This period, second-trimester pregnancy, a journey through weeks 13-26 of pregnancy, is often called the “golden trimester” because many women experience a surge in energy and a reduction in early pregnancy symptoms. The baby grows rapidly during this time, with key developments like the formation of fingerprints and the ability to hear sounds. By around week 16, the baby’s eyes can move, and they might start making sucking motions with their mouth. By week 18, the baby’s ears begin to stand out from the head, and they can hear sounds like your heartbeat. Around week 20, you might feel the baby move for the first time, often described as a fluttering sensation. By the end of the second trimester, the baby is about the size of a head of cauliflower, with fully formed fingers, toes, and even fingerprints! The baby’s nervous system is maturing, and they start to practice breathing movements, preparing for life outside the womb. It’s a period of rapid growth and development! At 13 weeks, the baby is about three inches long, roughly the size of a pea pod. By the end of the second trimester, around 26 weeks, the baby will be about 14 inches long and weigh around one and a half to two pounds, similar to the size of a large eggplant. It’s a significant growth spurt during this trimester!
